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Automation in a smart home should be useful and create additional comfort, but sometimes everything goes wrong… The reasons for this, and how to configure everything, see on my channel.

Control of electric heating in a smart cottage

Using homemade devices in a smart home

What is automation in a smart home

Automation of a real smart cottage (part 4) software

Automation of a real smart cottage (part 3) hardware

Automation of a real smart cottage (part 2) link

Automation of a real smart cottage (part 1) connection

Overheating at -25 and turning off everything in a smart home

The database in the home assistant and the smart home server

Comfort and humidity in a smart home

Optimal electric heating in a smart home

Make a smart convector with your own hands

All options for redesigning the switch in a smart home

The limit of automation in a smart home

Alternative types of sensors in a smart home

Temperature and humidity sensor in a smart home

Which is better hardware or software in a smart home

Do I need to install HACS in a smart home

Using the opening sensor in a smart home

The stove in the kitchen of a smart home does not work

Aqara fp2 presence sensor in a smart home

Urgently buy a smart home hub from yandex or not

Arduino in a smart home and not only

New good smart sockets for a smart home

Remote access to smart home and cottage

Aqara temperature and humidity sensor in smart home

What will happen when the Internet is turned off in a smart home

Protection from thieves in a smart home

Unusual applications of a vibration sensor in a smart home

All the ways to control light in a smart home

Smart house for smart cottages (part 5) equipment

Smart house for smart cottages (part 4) scenarios

Smart house for smart cottages (part 3) setup

Smart house for smart cottages (part 2) communication

Smart house for smart cottages (part 1) automation

Learning programming languages for a smart home

Video wall in a smart home

Where to find time to create a smart home

LED strips and decor in a smart home

It's been 100 days about the smart home

The first setup of the smart home server

From where 1 million in a smart home

Аn old computer for a smart home

Smart music in a smart home

Build a smart home from yandex

Fully automate a smart home (part 2) examples

Fully automate the smart home (part 1) fantasy

Survival in a smart home (part 3) communication

Survival in a smart home (part 2) software

Survival in a smart home (part 1) hard

Improving the light bulb in the children's room

How to start building a smart house (part 1)

Build a smart home on the Xiaomi ecosystem

Automation of light in the bedroom of a smart home

How to understand whether a smart home is needed (part 2)

How to understand whether a smart home is needed (part 1)

Smart home for 100 thousand challenge

Inverter convectors for heating in a smart home

Excellent aqara wireless remote control in a smart home

Integration of openhab and yandex smart home

About LED strips in a smart home

More than 100 automation in a smart home

Light in the hallway for a smart home

Everything will be difficult in a smart home

About smart scales in a smart home

Build a smart home on apple homekit

Who are the luddites in the smart home

I don't use remote access in a smart home

Saving on heating in a smart home

The best for her is in a smart home

How to determine who is in a smart home

More than 5 million for a smart home

How to survive a blackout in a smart home

Smart home and car

Devices 433 (continued) in a smart home

Voice control in an open source smart home

Smart home for sale or rent

Climate and humidity in a smart home

If automation is buggy in a smart home

Dashboard on android in a smart home

Overview of 5 Motion Sensor Technologies in a Smart home

5 Gift Ideas for a smart Home Automator

New 5 camera features in a smart home

Weather from the smart home server

The return of 433 devices

The battery in the tablet is swollen

Smart heating for a smart home

How to account for electricity in a smart home

About smart Home forums

Telegram bot for smart home

Thermostat with AI for free

More than 100 thousand for a smart home

Good Smart Home Integrators

Control of non-smart devices in a smart home

Smart Home Server from...

Using a dashboard in a smart home

Choosing and using gateways in a smart home

Voices in a smart home

Smart home in a rented apartment

Sensor for the presence of people in a smart home

Useless Smart Cube for Smart Home

How to make a smart home

Automation of bathroom light in a smart home

Multiroom via bluetooth in a smart home

Geolocation and identification of people in a smart home

Smart Phone for Smart home

Creating battery-powered sensors in a smart home

Setting up video cameras in a smart home

What is automation in a smart home

How to ensure reliability in a smart home

Why else do you need statistics in a smart home

I don't use smart relays in a smart home

Not exactly smart devices in a smart home

How to control heating in a smart home

How to improve Yandex speakers in a smart home

Using IR remotes for a smart home

What made a dashboard for a smart home

Zigbee wireless switches and smart home

I don't use zigbee for smart home

Already more than 32 million in a smart home

Sensor for a water meter in a smart home

CO2 air control in a smart home

Wifi or Zigbee for smart sockets in a smart home

Development of automation in a smart home

Connecting clouds to a smart home

Switches for control in a smart home

Using wifi in a smart home

Yandex Smart Home Skill and Smart Home

Fan automation in a smart home