Light in the hallway for a smart home

One of the first and most obvious automations, probably the most difficult in terms of implementation and stability, is the implementation of automation of light in the corridor, you can pass through the corridor quickly, you can stay in it for a while, there are a lot of entrances and exits from different rooms in the corridor, there is an entrance from the street, an entrance door, there is there is a wardrobe, a storage room, a bathroom and a toilet, so it is very difficult to foresee all these scenarios and do it correctly so that it always turns on when necessary and turns off when necessary.

Previously, in order to turn off the light, you had to go to the front door, because the switch was there, and every time it was a problem, because in fact there are shoes at the door, it's dirty enough, and you didn't really want, especially before going to bed, to come and turn off the light manually, and even if, for example, you just walk down the corridor, then when you also want to turn on the light, then you again need to come close to the door and turn it off there, so I made it so that at first I tried to move the switch to another place, made an additional switch on another wall, there was a place, there was a cupboard, this switch was used before for me to turn on the light in the pantry, but then I automated the light in the pantry by movement, so the place itself was vacated, I put an additional switch there, and when you need, for example, to turn on the light, then you just don't have to go to the door, but you can with enough Turn on the light after a long distance.

Of course, in large apartments they do different ways, and in houses, for example, they put pass-through switches, this can be done at the level of wires, it can be done at the level of logic, that is, on the one hand there is a wireless switch, and on the other there is a wired one, I just bought such a switch, this is Wi-Fi-Fi switch, it is three-button, and it also included a wireless switch that operates at a frequency of 433MHz, this switch can be connected, in principle, you can link any other wireless switches or even, if there is any radio remote, then it can also be tied and the switch, in theory, will work so that just the button can be tied one to one, that is, 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, and then just pressing the button will turn on the desired key on this wired the switch.

I use a single-wire circuit in the corridor, that is, I have all the light bulbs in the corridor turned on at the same time, it is certainly not very convenient, but in principle, when I was doing repairs, I did not think about it, and now I use 7 light bulbs there, these are still halogens, that is, I did not change to LED because they work in principle, there is not much point in throwing them out, but of course they also have a very large consumption, one bulb consumes about 50 watts, so it is important that these bulbs do not burn for a long time, if the light is really not needed already, then it should turn off, therefore, in principle, of course, I do not really need three buttons on the switch, but in fact I did not change the approach, that is, I basically put three-button wired switches everywhere, even if I do not need any buttons, for example, in my other rooms, there is also a three-button one in the nursery, but they do not all three buttons are used, only one is used, but the rest of the buttons can be used as scenario switches, you can turn them off remotely later, let's say, and then they will work in button mode, or just do it as a scenario, that is, I pressed it turned on, accordingly, either the light turned on in another room, or turned off, or some other action was done, well, in principle, it is even convenient so that when you press the button, if the script worked correctly, then in the end you can simply give the command to turn off this button and then it will be clearly visible that the script worked, also I have done so that you can of course turn off the light in the hallway with your voice, this is also quite convenient, you can ask Yandex to turn off the light and turn it off accordingly, initially I generally made it so that I just have a separate button in the room too, which controls the light in the corridor and if someone forgot to turn off the light in the corridor, then I can just forcibly turn it off, well, since sometimes it is necessary to leave the color in the corridor for a long time, that is, for example, when guests come and it needs to be lit constantly or when we do cleaning or some other long-term business,then there is a special mode on the switch, I just press another button on the wired one, it is responsible for starting the scenario of not turning off the light, that is, in this case the light will burn for a long time.

But I had several options, that is, the first option was when it burned for 30 minutes and then turned on, now I have made an option so that it just burns continuously until this switch is pressed again, and then it will turn off and, accordingly, switch to normal operation.

Now several scenarios are used, one scenario is when someone enters the apartment and no one was at home, the light turns on automatically, it works together with the motion sensor and the door opening sensor, there is also some problem here because the door opening sensor, it is important to check that it was really closed, and sometimes it happens that the door they close, but not to the end, because there is a sufficiently large draft of air coming through the door, and it does not always work out to slam the first time, and therefore it can send a lot of opening and closing signals, that is, it is very difficult to track, in order for it to really matter exactly how open or how closed, if it was still closed, then when it is reopened, the light should not turn on again.

I have made it so that when I enter the motion sensor is checked that there was no movement for more than a minute and the light was turned off for more than a minute, this means that most likely no one came past the door, that is, no one was at home and therefore when the door opens, the opening sensor sends a signal to open and the light turns on, and if, accordingly, a person leaves the apartment, then it is clear that the movement was detected earlier than the opening of the door and in this case the light does not turn on additionally, but I did not make it turn off, because sometimes the door is opened and is in the door for a while, and the light has already gone out, it is not very convenient, in principle you can leave the light on, in fact there is another rule that turns off the light after one minute, it actually works almost always, this is the basic rule and if you turn it on manually then again, it will turn off after one minute, if there was an entrance to the apartment, it will turn off after a minute and if there was an exit, it will also turn off after a minute, but this happens only after the movement has stopped being detected, that is, if no one is already walking in front of the motion sensor.

The motion sensor itself is used in several more scenarios, it is used for a night light, that is, when it is necessary at night so that the bright light does not turn on, a night light is used, it is in principle not so far away, it can be seen from the corridor and therefore it is used as the main backlight at night, that is, when the motion sensor is triggered, the night light turns on, if accordingly if the movement has stopped, then after a while it will turn off.

The light in the hallway turns on only when it is necessary, I have time limits set up, that is, it does not turn on during the day, I track the time of sunrise and sunset and based on this determine whether it is dark or not in the apartment, and of course only turn on the light when it is dark, but it was inconvenient when it turned on at night, so I also made a restriction that after 24 hours, that is, from midnight to 7 a.m., it also does not turn on, that is, you can only turn it on manually. There was an idea to make different ways to control the light, that is, it was possible to make some kind of dimmer that allows these bulbs to be turned on at full power, but such switches themselves are of a different design, we practically do not have them, and we would not like to do a completely different design in the corridor, but in principle it is enough it will be difficult to control them, so you can also find a relay that allows dimming, but firstly this load is large enough for them, and in general the quality of lighting itself will not be very good, and even the control, that is, the control itself via a relay, this means there will be some kind of wireless shutdown and because of this there are long delays, sometimes it is inconvenient when you press, but the light does not turn on, I used it at first, I had a relay and a wireless switch connected, but even a delay of one second is very inconvenient and I switched to a wired switch.

Automation in a smart home should be useful and create additional comfort, but sometimes everything goes wrong… The reasons for this, and how to configure everything, see on my channel.

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If you have any ideas on how to improve automation, make it more reliable, fast and useful, then you can leave a comment below. I will try to implement the proposals and tell you in the following videos.