I don't use smart relays in a smart home
day 1560 Alex is in touch I practically do not use any smart relays in my smart home it is clear that smart sockets are the same relays that I have quite a lot of but I stopped using smart relays myself for several reasons but in the beginning when I started building a Smart home I used a lot of smart relays and generally different relays for example when I was on Arduino I also started to make experiments make different sensors and different devices then of course there are classic examples When you need to take a relay very simple the most relay module connect it to the Arduino and use it to control it switch on or off these relays are sold a lot of places and they can be 10 ampere mostly such were found for such homemade products or 16 ampere if you buy these relays a little more expensive they work on the principle of dry contact that is, they simply closes or opens some kind of load there are also solid state relays this is by in fact a relay module is made on the basis of a triac triac it can only switch alternating current according to its principle of operation a mechanical relay according to its principle can switch any current either constantly or at its own time I first when I switched to [music] disassemble and created on the base and planned to create a smart home system on the base once it was Disassemble version 3 I bought a special relay module of three relays and thought to use it by putting the most disassemble shield but of course I didn't put it there I didn't put it there because first of all from the point of view of management and I did not have a place provided after all, of course I made it there so that you can put it between different machines once and it is quite comfortably placed there, but I don't have an Ethernet connection there, so I didn't have the opportunity connect it by wire it was necessary to throw a shield slabotochki separate cable that in principle was not very convenient for wi-fi, too, you can pick up it was in principle I was standing nearby was a wi-fi router is now located at the other end of the apartment and the principle is probably not very good there the difference between mechanical and solid-state relays Of Course then they click loudly you can hear solid state they by their design by their nature do not click at all because it is actually a microcircuit for example a switch is also used both solid state and mechanical relays most often it happens that switches if there is one contact can still put a solid state relay if there is more than one contact that is let's say more keys than one then they already put mechanical relays the problems of solid state relays are that they are heated and if you place them in a closed case quite a lot it is very difficult to provide the fact that if they switch a load large enough approximately to their nominal value for example 10 amp relays will switch 10 amp loads then they can at some point simply stick that is quite dangerous if it is some kind of heater is used and it is undesirable that it remains on for a long time But switches if you put more than one relay then of course by design very small and a large load should not be applied to them even if they are written 10 amperes in sockets mostly smart of course only one relay module is and basically it is of course 10 or 16 amps there are even sockets for 20 amps so it's just a mechanical relay but friends are also like that but one feature is that they only break one line That is if the socket is here if for example the phase goes directly And 0 through the relay, then this can affect the load in some way, that is, if the load is low-current, for example, an LED garland or some kind of lamp, then it can be powered by parasitic leads and, accordingly, it can start to glow or blink, so the simplest solution is just to turn the socket over, then it turns out that the relay specifically opens the phase A 0 0 of course the lamp will not be able to power the relay the problem is similar that when you connect it you need to carefully of course look From which side of the phase From which side zero but the relays themselves which They are called smart of course They go almost all of them switch the load by analogy with the socket that is they do not break Just what is connected to them namely I connect power to the output this is sometimes not very convenient and practically greatly restricts the way the relay is used and therefore there are options for how it can be redone but this is first of all unsafe it is necessary to understand what exactly is being done in a particular case, so you don't really want to leave such a relay somewhere, especially in closed places. working with the wi-fi protocol And I used and bought a lot at the beginning of the relay operating at a frequency of 433MHz but all of course have their drawbacks in the radio signal they have a problem that they do not have feedback and it is often unclear whether the relay is turned on or not I tried to control such relays by indirect for example, this is on the electricity meter if consumption increases, then I see what it means that some kind of powerful load has turned on if I turn off the relay, then I see that it has turned off such relays do not know how to measure consumption and current strength and, accordingly, of course their method applications are very limited of course there are still wi-fi sockets that almost all work through the cloud this is thuja or others and this greatly restricts their way of use because the cloud moment can stop working and the house is not a very good idea and but such relays if connected once to wi-fi then in case you need to reconnect in principle, it is quite simple to save the same LED on the wi-fi router network name, then it immediately connects No matter where it is located behind the ceiling wall or somewhere else hidden if this is a zigby device then they certainly have a plus they work directly via they do not need a gateway like the Internet for this but there is a problem that If you need to reconnect all the devices then you will need to get this relay from where it is located and accordingly this is the only way to switch it by clicking on this relay there are practically no solutions that allow for example there are several consecutive turns on LED strip drivers and some light bulbs that provide for this mode in advance and can be turned on there 5-6 times sequentially they then switch to pairing mode and therefore the best solution, of course, is to use some relay basically fi happens which allows you to switch to redo them or switch to the [music] mode of direct connection such in the so-called Where aivay mode and then you can directly connect to these relays by the IP address of the local network they can work Independently after which you can reflash to alternative firmware they can still give their status Of course still a way the use of these relays becomes very limited for example, to find out the status, most often of course you have to contact the address and get the current value of this relay, But these relays are still at least at least they will not depend on any clouds and accordingly it will work more reliably I have one cloud relay that allows you to switch it to LAN mode quite simply But even I don't use it because it's not very convenient and I mostly use smart sockets or smart switches here
Automation in a smart home should be useful and create additional comfort, but sometimes everything goes wrong… The reasons for this, and how to configure everything, see on my channel.